Training and Bar Admission

    • Barreau du Québec, 2013
    • Bachelor’s degree in law, Université de Sherbrooke, 2011

    Main fields of practice

    • Contractual relations
    • Real estate
    • Shareholder disputes
    • Construction
    • Extraordinary remedies
    • Bankruptcy and Insolvency

    Kevin Lafrenière

    Senior Attorney

    For over ten years, I have been assisting a clientele comprised of companies of all sizes and individuals to fulfill all their civil and commercial litigation needs, as well as in public and administrative law.

    Backed by an in-depth comprehension of legal theory and of the judicial decision-making process, I can suggest out-of-the-box strategies with confidence when the situation calls for it, either before first instance or appellate tribunals.

    At Forseti, the particular skills of my colleagues complement my own, and I don’t hesitate to call on them when what you need is the strength of a whole team.

    Professional implications

    • Lecturer in Contracts Law at the Université de Sherbrooke’s faculty of law (2018).
    • Member of the organizing committee of the 2017 edition of the Pierre-Basile-Mignault Advocacy competition at the Université de Montréal’s faculty of law.
    • Student researcher at the Chaire Jean-Louis Baudouin in civil law (2017-2019).
    • Teaching assistant for the Développement des habiletés du juriste 1 course at Université de Montreal’s faculty of law (2016-2017).
    • Volunteer attorney at Montreal’s Young Bar Association’s assistance service for the preparation of hearings before the Court of Appeal (2014-2023).

    Representative mandates

    • I represent real estate developers, general contractors and other players in the construction industry in contractual disputes, including against financial institutions.
    • Following my representations on behalf of a European insurer, the Court of Appeal formally recognized for the first time that it is possible to make an application before a panel of the Court to supersede a single judge’s decision denying a de bene esse application for leave to appeal, where the appeal is one that should have been allowed to proceed as of right.
    • I obtained a declaration of abuse of process on appeal against the City of Montreal in an injunction case seeking the stoppage of the discharge of contaminated waters into the bed of a former river.
    • I often defend the interests of individuals and companies involved in latent defect cases.

    Publications and conferences

    • Audrey Robitaille and Kevin Lafrenière, « Transactions immobilières et la diligence raisonnable de la part du vendeur et de l’acheteur : comment les parties gèrent le risque pour assurer le succès de la transaction », conference given during the 2023 edition of Open Forum’s Journée stratégique sur le développement immobilier et urbain.
    • Kevin Lafrenière, « L’obligation des parties de limiter leurs dommages en cas de résiliation de bail », conference given during the 2023 edition of the Open Forum’s Journée stratégique sur les baux commerciaux.
    • Arnaud Tellier-Marcil, Shana Chaffai-Parent, Marc-Antoine Picotte and Kevin Lafrenière (dir.), Les prochains défis de la pensée civiliste : les conceptions classiques soumises à l’épreuve du temps, Montreal, Éditions Thémis, 2020.

    What you should know about me

    When I work on your files:

    • I make sure that the service you get from me is as good as the one I would have wanted to receive if I were a client myself.
    • I think several moves ahead and quickly spot the blind spots in a situation.
    • I give you an honest picture of the strengths and weaknesses of your case, so that together we can choose the strategy that gives you the best chance of achieving your goals.

    When I take time for myself:

    • I jog in the trails of the Parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno.
    • During winter, I channel my inner Ray Bourque on the ice rink with friends.